A local Love Story [UA] 2024.09.07
A local Love Story [UA] - Vernissage - Gallery Wildstyle
A Group exhibition that celebrates some of Uppsala's most prominent local urban artists.
Uppsala is a city often not mentioned in conversation of where great art derives from. Yet we know Uppsala. In the urban arts scene, it's a city where great artist either are born or choose to reside. We see it as a city deeply underrated with respect for art and as a city with a promising youth evolving into the future.
With this exhibition (A Local Love Story).
We want to demonstrate precisely that, a deep appreciation for some of the finest art and artist to come out of our beautiful city, whether they are established or not.
We welcome you to take part in a celebration of Uppsala's rich urban cultural heritage. While we present some of Sweden's best artists working in the mural, graffiti and urban arts:
A warm welcome to the opening at Galleri Wildstyle on Saturday, September 7th.
Opening hours:
Friday 4-7pm - Preview
Saturday 12-7pm - Vernissage
Sunday 12-3pm - Open
Kyrkogårdsgatan 23, Uppsala
The exhibition will be ongoing during our regular opening hours until the 6th of October.